Hi, I'm Chris.

This is the website I've always wanted to read, and hopefully you'll feel the same way. Explore and enjoy.

High Spirits: GAELIC PUNCH

High Spirits: GAELIC PUNCH

It's a catchy name, but Gaelic punch is really just hot whiskey. This is a nice and easy recipe if you have a group of people over for some outdoor autumn/early winter activities, or maybe just nursing a cold on a chilly day (all day).

Some people use nutmeg or cinnamon as a garnish, and finish the drink off with some lemon zest and cloves (pictured). If that's your thing, go for it. We like to keep things simple around here; water, sugar, lemons and whiskey is all we need.


3/4 cup of raw sugar

40 oz. boiling water

4 lemons, quartered

1 750-ml bottle of Irish whiskey (we prefer Jameson)

For glassware, a handled stein works best. It's hard to hold a scalding hot glass. Another trick: preheat your glasses before serving so the shock of boiling water doesn't crack them.

In a large heatproof bowl, pour 8 oz. of the boiling water in with the sugar and stir until it dissolves. Then slowly stir in the whiskey. After a minute, add the rest of your water and the lemon slices. Stir and serve. This should make at least 14 servings, or four for your 'professional' friends.

ACID WITCH - Evil Sound Screamers

ACID WITCH - Evil Sound Screamers

THE JUDGE - Tell It To The Judge

THE JUDGE - Tell It To The Judge