The only non-corny free image I could find.
A day late, a dollar short, etc. The current online cycle dictates that everyone stops talking about the albums of any particular year about a week after that year ends. That doesn’t work for me. There are too many bands, records, songs, videos, etc. to even keep track of just in a given month, never mind twelve in a row. I’m still discovering albums from 1972; 2022 hasn’t stopped in that regard.
For the first time in a long time (maybe ever?) I present these albums unranked and in no particular order, though they may be vaguely chronological. If you’ve ever read my work on other websites, or are one of the ten people that read this website when I update it once a year or so (hi Mom!) my choices shouldn’t surprise you. In another first, I’m abstaining from any accompanying commentary for each pick; writing about new albums just isn’t for me any more. The older I get, the more time I need with them to feel that familiar expressive urge. These speak for themselves. Perhaps one day on a tenth or twentieth anniversary, I’ll rattle off a thousand words about why some of them have stuck with me or turned out to be game-changers. We’ll see.
Let’s get on with it!